The Best Information about Health


June 24, 2011

Eight-Ways Strengthen The Body From Disease

  1. Listening to Music
    A study to learn the effect of music on the effects of the immune system for pregnant women to show if listening to music, it can help increase the mother's immune system.
  2. Massage
    Lymphatic massage is one of the best way to remove poisons from the body so the body more relaxed. than cure, the better you treat your body to do massage. You can do the massage while undergoing treatment at the beauty spas.
  3. Rest
    Stress can reduce your body's immunity. so you might try to take some time to rest and relaxation. If the claim is a burden of work to put pressure on you, try doing yoga.
  4. Laughing
    Try a more open mind and listen smaping tells jokes and humor. Laughter increases the immune system by reducing the stress and anxiety. In addition, by laughing can also relieve muscle tension and increase oxygen intake.
  5. Sleep
    Sleep for eight hours a day also increases the body's defense system. Lack of sleep can increase the levels of stress hormones which in turn weakens the immune system. 
  6. Exercise
    Exercise works to increase the hormones that strengthen immune. In addition, exercise is also a good way to reduce stress.
  7. Drinking Plain Water
    Drinking plain water is an important step to healthy skin. Skin is one of the first defense of the body to fight infection from outside.
  8. Eat Healthy
    Those who are obese in the state are more difficult to fight infection, so better to defend the ideal body weight by applying patterns of healthy foods. Take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to get all the vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

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