Healthy Life

The Best Information about Health


June 24, 2011

Overcome a Scaly Calf Problem

To facilitate the calves that appear scaly, apply a rubber portion with a cucumber. Wait until dry and then wipe with a towel that has been soaked in hot water with salt. Practice regularly.

Salt Treat Acne

If you suffer from acne, take one teaspoon of salt and dissolve in half a glass of mineral water or warm water. Apply to acne as often as possible. As a result pimples will dry.

Eight-Ways Strengthen The Body From Disease

  1. Listening to Music
    A study to learn the effect of music on the effects of the immune system for pregnant women to show if listening to music, it can help increase the mother's immune system.
  2. Massage
    Lymphatic massage is one of the best way to remove poisons from the body so the body more relaxed. than cure, the better you treat your body to do massage. You can do the massage while undergoing treatment at the beauty spas.
  3. Rest
    Stress can reduce your body's immunity. so you might try to take some time to rest and relaxation. If the claim is a burden of work to put pressure on you, try doing yoga.
  4. Laughing
    Try a more open mind and listen smaping tells jokes and humor. Laughter increases the immune system by reducing the stress and anxiety. In addition, by laughing can also relieve muscle tension and increase oxygen intake.
  5. Sleep
    Sleep for eight hours a day also increases the body's defense system. Lack of sleep can increase the levels of stress hormones which in turn weakens the immune system. 
  6. Exercise
    Exercise works to increase the hormones that strengthen immune. In addition, exercise is also a good way to reduce stress.
  7. Drinking Plain Water
    Drinking plain water is an important step to healthy skin. Skin is one of the first defense of the body to fight infection from outside.
  8. Eat Healthy
    Those who are obese in the state are more difficult to fight infection, so better to defend the ideal body weight by applying patterns of healthy foods. Take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to get all the vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

June 22, 2011

Remove scars on your face

to get rid of acne scars and measles, taking cinnamon powder and mix it with cold powder. stir with a little water until thick and spread on the face before bed. Good luck!

Avoid red hair and branched

Anyone faced with the problem of hair damage, hard-boiled bunch spinach, broom and do some light massage to the hair that has been purified before. Practice tips every day. Good luck!

June 21, 2011

Fiber Diet Help Lose Weight

Fiber provides many benefits to health such as helping to prevent constipation and helps in reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. In addition there are other benefits that are not known. Among them are:

  • Reduce the risk of digestive disorders 
A high-fiber diet will reduce the risk of digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids, irritable bowel disease and diverticular disease. Condition a soft of waste will reduce the work of rectal muscles and reduce pressure on the rectum up to hemorrhoids can be prevented.  

  • Lowers Cholesterol 
Soluble fiber found in beans, wheat and wheat bran can help reduce cholesterol. Fiber can bind bile acids and cholesterol and take it out of the body along with the of waste until the fat in the blood decreases and the potential risk of heart disease will also decline.

  • Handle Blood Sugar  
fiber, particularly soluble fiber once can slow down the absorption of sugar. For patients with diabetes, it can help control blood sugar levels. A high-fiber diet may reduce risk of type 2 diabetes.

  • Controlling Weight
High-fiber foods and reducing fat and excess sugar can help reduce body weight. This can be proved that high-fiber foods produce less energy from fat and sugar or carbohydrates. Besides that fiber to create fullness,so it will reduced food intake.   

  • Prevention of Colorectal Cancer
Fiber can also accelerate the passage of food in the digestive tract to shorten the travel time of the food, and thus prevent from being exposed to cancer-causing substance in the tissue digestion. 

Benefits of Shrimp

1.    Cardiovascular health care as essential fatty acids will reduce cholesterol and prevent agglomeration pieces of blood or atherosclerotic.
2.    Fulfill the protein requirements with a complete profile of amino acids that are easily absorbed by body.
3.    Suitable for a diet menu for low-calorie energy
4.    Maximize the variety of functions vital organs of body because of its vitamin various of content.
5.    As an antioxidant that is able to take care of immune function, anti- free radicals causing 50 types of degenerative diseases and assist the production of antibodies with very high production.
6.    Helped more than 70 enzymes, hormones and the process of biosintesa work in the body with its content of zinc in.
7.    Very important to intelligence and growth of children with vitamin D, B 12 and omega 3 in it.
8.    Prevent low blood and a role in the formation of red blood cells because content of iron and zinc are high.
9.    Eye health care with vitamin A.
10.    Healthy skin and prevent pellagra disease with vitamin E and high niacin.
11.    Keeping healthy bones, teeth and joints with vitamin D, calcium and high potassium.